



1 pc



Lat. name Hybrid

Color Yellow

Type Semi-solid

Lateral buds Several

Aroma Slight

Flowering Early

Height 85 cm

Support Rings

Suitable for planting, picking

Country of origin: Holland

Herbaceous peonies - many different varieties, differing greatly in flowering time, flower shape, fragrance, height and bush shape... This group includes all peonies with herbaceous stems: great (Paeonia lactiflora), medicinal (Paeonia officinalis), small-leaved (Paeonia tenuifolia). , botanical species (Paeonia species) and a wide range of hybrids (Paeonia hybrida).

Time to plant peonies

The best time for planting peony roots is autumn. We have long been accustomed to dividing peonies already in August. But times change, climates change, and it's best to see what the weather is like. If it's hot and dry, it's better to take your time and wait at least until September. Most of the new varieties arrive in October, and this is a very good time to plant peonies. Peonies root best at temperatures below 10c, and autumn is long now. You can plant until the surface of the ground freezes, if planted properly it will not freeze. The most important thing is that the roots are healthy and not overdried.


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